Momentum Login Tips & Troubleshooting

For help logging in or creating your new login, please see the common issues below.

I am having difficulty entering my date of birth.

  • There are two options to enter your date of birth: You may use the calendar to scroll to your year of birth then select the month and day. You may also type in the information using the keypad.

I do not have an email or cell listed on my account. Will I be able to receive a verification code?

  • To update your account login, either an email or cell phone will be required to complete the registration process. If you have only a home phone number on your account, you will receive a voice call with your verification code. 

The site is not accepting my username during registration.

  • You may select any username, but if it is already used by another account it will be rejected. Please select another and re-enter.
  • The username cannot contain spaces or any of these characters: " / [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < > but can contain any of these characters: # $ % & ' ( ) - . @ ^ _ ` { } ~

What are the requirements needed for my unique password?

  • Please select a password that consists of one uppercase letter, a number, and is at least 8 characters.

I have been locked out of the registration, how long do I need to wait before trying again?

  • If the session has timed out (approximately 20 minutes), please back out of the page and you will be able to start again immediately.

My personal information is anonymized using asterisks (*). How will I know it is correct?

  • To protect your account, information such as your full name, phone number, and email will be partially hidden. If you are unable to process your new username and password, please verify your information at a Player��s Club booth or Momentum Enrollment Kiosk on your next visit.

I am receiving a message with Code 107

  • If you have received the error code 107, you may have answered one or more of the security questions incorrectly and your account was unable to be verified. Please try again and if assistance is needed, please complete the form below and include the error code in the description field.

I am receiving a message with Code 108

  • If you have received the error code 108, your account may not include all of the required information or the passcode may not have been entered correctly. Please try again and if assistance is needed, please complete the form below and include the error code in the description field.

My phone number and/or email are not up-to-date. How do I update them?

  • Please visit Player's Club or a Momentum Enrollment Kiosk to update your account information. 

How do I change my password?

  • Follow the login link. Enter your username and proceed to the step where you enter your password. Select "Forgot your password?" and follow the steps to change your password.

I am unable to receive SMS text messages. How do I receive a voice call passcode?

  • Select "Voice call to��" as the option to receive a voice call. Please ensure you can answer the call for the phone number selected.

I am not receiving my passcode in my email. What should I do?

  • This is likely due to the email going to your spam or junk folder. Please check that first.
  • If you are on a cell phone and trying to check your email while on a call, please hang up the call to ensure you are able to use the data plan for your cell phone.

"You are blocked" message appears. How do I register?

The username I registered with is not working when I try to log into my account. What do I do?

  • This likely means a username was mistyped during registration. Please complete the form below and we will verify your username.

Still having trouble or need to get in touch with our Guest Relations Team? Complete the form a team member will respond to assist you.
